Mercury Rising
This thermometer is in our plant tunnel. Before I went in and out a few times, it was reading 70 degrees. I've been longing for the smell of spring. Well, in the tunnel I drank it in. I tell you, I'm thinking of putting some furniture in there so I can just go sit there and enjoy it.
Survival of the Fittest.
These plants made it through our nasty January and are now putting on new growth! We enjoyed a mache salad this evening (middle top). Below left is claytonia, and the on the right is endive. We were supposed to be eating these greens all winter, but you can't harvest them if the door is frozen shut, the row covers are frozen to the support string, and the plants themselves are somewhat frozen! They came through beautifully, however, and we plan to enjoy them from now to spring when I will need this space for new plantings!