Name ideas?

Doc says 99% it's a girl!
Due Sept. 29
Post your name ideas in the comments section!



Rebekah, Rahab, Carl
Unknown said…
Anonymous said…
Bethany, Chava, Joanna, Ruth, Vashti, Moriah, Tabitha, Tirzah
well done... a girl to keep the boys in line..

Congrats!!! I'm so happy for your family!
David and Heidi said…
Congrats! We have plenty of little girl clothes around our house!

How about Ellen Mae, Maggie, Lauren, Olivia, Eloise, Natalie

So happy for your family!
Katy said…
Unknown said…
Hi Isaac and Rachel,
I have a friend who is naming her baby Willow. Your little girl will be tall, thin, and beautiful, so that would fit. Terri's children are Elizabeth, aka Libby, Sophie, and Nathanial Pryor. Soph is our little adopted, heart-of-my-heart Chinese love. Nat is the next hitter for the Braves. Libby is No. 4 in the region in vault and placed in all 4 categories at the regionals in Tampa. Not too shabby. Soph is a swimmer and placed about eighth in her age group. Very competitive family. Mary, Isaac, and Kata are Van's and Cari's. Van is a critical care nurse, Cari teaches, and Mary plays softball, Isaac plays everything, and Kata is a good walker, at age 18 mos.:-) Elena is Terri's middle name. It's supposed to be Terri-Elena, but they left out the dash. Libby's middle is Riley, and Isaac's is Reagan, after you-know-who. I still have my Reagan paraphernalia from his last run for president. I work at a prison. Think of all the worst things to do as parents: That equals the lives of addicted inmates. You can use our names if you want; we used Isaac.
Love you (in absentia), Elaine, your great aunt - Seneca, pro. Su-nek'uh, is pretty. Let's skip Madison, lotsa Maddie's here. I like alliterations, also. Melanie Maria, etc.I like April, also. Is there a more feminine name anywhere? Terri and Dan, by the way, are flying back from Africa today. Their E is