Is the second child always a ham?

Caleb is so funny. He seems to enjoy getting attention by being funny. We also think he has multiple personality disorder. OK, I'm kidding (a little). But about 20 times a day we have to keep track of who he is. And pity the fool who doesn't play along. You must remember who he is, and who you are, and speak accordingly! Yesterday at CVS a worker asked him what his name was. He said "ummm....Ducky." (from Land Before Time) She looked at me as if wondering if I was really crazy enough to name my child that, because he was so serious about it! I couldn't believe he would continue this even with a complete stranger!
The other day our goldfish died. I thought it best not to mention it to Caleb, so Sam and I flushed said fish and went about our business. The next day Caleb said "Where's Fishy-fishy?" I said "Oh, he died." (You know, trying to be nonchalant, yet direct at the same time.) Caleb looked very concerned. "By a shark?"


Renee said…
ha, what a kid!