More Dancing

Isaac introduced Sam to a new CD to relieve my Merle boredom. This is the Greatest Hits CD by Johnny and June Carter Cash. The song he's dancing to is "Long-Legged Guitar-Pickin' Man." While I do get tired of hearing the same songs over and over, I could never really dislike the Cashes. Especially this song.

Ironically, the same CD has managed to put Sam to sleep for two naps in a row. He hasn't been napping regularly for about a month. Go figure.


Seth here... Sam's facination with Merle, Johnny, and June reminds me of a favorite childhood album of mine entitled 'The Outlaws' which had on it a collection of songs sung by Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Jessie Coulter and Tompal Glaser. It wasn't really mine. It was my dads. He purchased it in spite of my mothers sour taste for Country-Western. I believe the record went the way of all LPs that are overplayed and we thought we'd heard the last of it until the reissued/remastered cd found its way into dads collection a few years ago. It's still a hit, according to Amazon. If Sam likes Merle and Johnny, he'll get along great with Waylon and Willie.
Thanks for the suggestion. He does like Waylon alot. Today was the third nap in a row with Johnny, so maybe I'll have to check it out.
Cydil said…
I think he hears the music, can't resist the dancing, and he's plumb wore out.
It's funny what grown up music kids like. For me, it was Captain and Tenille (gasp!). Sadly, that record 'disappeared' one day. Ask Bugs if she remembers that one.
Anonymous said…
If you were to market this dancing for aerobic exercise you might gain a following, that is, if anyone could keep up with Sam.
You gotta keep dancing!