Please Read!

Caleb at 22 weeks.
This article is an amazing argument for why Christians should vote for McCain NO MATTER WHAT. In the case of abortion, there is nothing more honorable than "one-issue politics."
As Mr. Alcorn says,
Don't you believe that though there were other issues in Nazi Germany besides the killing of Jews, Gypsies and the disabled, that all those other issues were trumped by that one? If Lincoln's platform involved ending slavery yet you agreed with Douglas (who wanted slavery to remain legal) in lots of other areas, would you feel right voting for Douglas, knowing you were voting for slavery?So I say OF COURSE THERE ARE OTHER ISSUES. I don't minimize them. All I can say is the differences between the candidates on those issues don't stack up, even cumulatively, to the legalized killing of human beings. It's a matter of relative importance, not just a number of issues. A man who is a good husband in most respects, but who beats his wife, is not a good husband. That issue outweighs all the others.
Please, don't vote for Obama, or not vote at all, just to "teach the GOP a lesson." In our country, babies are left to die after abortions just because their mother didn't want to have them. We have laws in our country that we use to prosecute people who leave newborn babies to die. We have laws allowing people to drop newborns off at hospitals and fire stations. Nurses at these hospitals are allowed to take care of these babies, but not allowed to take care of babies born after an attempted abortion. The inconsistency is stunning.
Please vote for McCain so that we can have a chance to stop, or at least limit and not expand, this practice in our country.


Cydil said…
Anonymous said…
Rachel, what a nice touch to have Caleb's picture before the article! What an amazing sono picture! Heidi

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