Point and Shoot

I admire my cousin Cydil for her skill with the camera. I'm not even close, so I'm thankful for our nice digital camera that does a pretty good job regardless. It is especially good at capturing water droplets and streams, which has made for some great pictures in the past (see below). I used to think bathtime was boring, until I got two slippery, wiggly boys in at the same time. Now I have fun watching them, when I'm not wishing for an extra pair of hands.
June 2007


Cydil said…
Oh what fun times! Loved the water droplets almost as much as Caleb's sweet smile!
Unknown said…
They even make me want to splash in the bathtub!
Anonymous said…
Awesome shots. I miss them sooooo much. Makes me pray even harder to get our house sold and move closer! Nana
Cydil said…
What's this? Aunt Miriam, is your house for sale???

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