Michigan vacation, first installment
The Pigeon River"I do it!"
Canadian wild columbine
Our deepest apologies for the dearth in posts of late. We were off the map! Unfortunately, not quite the case (we did have an excellent atlas). We were in Michigan for 9 days camping. Since then, we have been house-sitting for my parents while they vacation in Nova Scotia, and after spending a day trying to get their antique computer to accept our pictures, Isaac bought a wireless router so we could use our laptop.
I plan to post a few pictures a day over the next week to chronicle our vacation. I have plenty to choose from...we took almost 500 (a result of an excellent camera and great scenery).
This is the first installment. The first picture is the Pigeon River, about 400 miles north of Columbus and a very long (with a toddler) 8 hour trek with the truck guzzling gas as we pushed (past) the speed limit. We were lucky to make it intact, too! About 4 miles from the campground, we almost ran into a large bull elk. "An elk?" you might ask. Well, we were within the Pigeon State Forest, home to around 1000 elk. We recovered our wits enough to enjoy the scene, but not enough to take a good picture of it, which we lamented afterwards for many days.
The trip was worth it. When we opened the truck doors at our campsite, a glorious scent of pine wafted in. We fell asleep to the sound of the Pigeon River rippling outside our bedroom window. The first picture is the view of it from our campsite. The weather was beautiful the next morning, but heated up to almost 90 (unusual) by midday so we had a hot night that night without A/C. Isaac tried to unwind from a stressful week of work by fly-fishing (unfortunately without success) and enjoying the scenery. Sam and I played among the stones in the river and watched butterflies. We also enjoyed the wildflowers, as seen in the third picture.
The second picture shows one of Sam's favorite pastimes on this trip..."driving" the truck.
That evening we went in search of more elk at the designated viewing areas, but they like to avoid those apparently.
The next day we drove to Mackinac...stay tuned for further installments.